
control tower 【航空】機場中的起落指揮塔。


Air traffic control tower ( atct ) - an atct is located at every airport that has regularly scheduled flights . towers handle all takeoff , landing , and ground traffic 機場管制塔臺( atct )有正規航班的每一個機場都有空中交通管制塔臺,即地面指揮控制中心。它負責所有機場內飛機的起飛,著陸,及地面調度。

To ensure smooth air traffic operations , cad will deploy 12 . 5 per cent extra staff to work in the air traffic control centre and the air traffic control tower from february 3 to 11 為了確保航空交通運作順利,民航處將于二月三日至十一日增派百分之十二點五的人手在航空交通管制中心和指揮塔臺當值。

The southern runway is located south of the control tower . an aeroplane in the photo has just taken off from the southern runway . another plane is moving towards one end of this runway for departure 控制塔的南方是南跑道,相片中一架飛機已從南跑道起飛,另一架飛機正駛向南跑道的末端,準備起飛。

To ensure our weather services for the airport go uninterrupted when control tower becomes inoperative , the observatory has its backup facilities ready and running 24 hours a day 當機場控制塔不能正常運作時,為確保氣象服務不會中斷,天文臺已安排后備設施全日二十四小時不停運作,隨時可供使用。

Job experience in the profession will start with working as supporting staff in air traffic control centre and control tower providing assistance to qualified atco 在實際工作方面,他們首先會被派到航空交通管制中心和指揮塔臺擔任支援人員,協助具備認可資格的航空交通管制主任工作。

This radar is mounted on top of the aerodrome control tower for surveillance of the movement of aircraft and vehicles on the runway and taxiways , as well as ships in the adjacent sea area 此雷達安裝在指揮塔頂上,以監察跑道和滑行道上的飛機和車輛,及鄰近船只的活動。

The accurate information provided enables the tower controller to maintain a smooth flow of traffic during low visibility or darkness . control tower simulator ( cts ) 這雷達所提供的準確目標資料,可讓指揮塔上的管制員即使在低能見度或黑夜中,亦能維持暢順的航空交通。

Soon after lifting off from sai kung at 2 . 11pm with four persons on board , civil aviation department control tower received information that the helicopter had crashed 直升機當時載著四人,于下午二時十一分在西貢起飛,隨即民航處機場指揮塔便接獲直升機失事報告。

Sufficient manpower will also be deployed in the air traffic control centre and the air traffic control tower to ensure smooth air traffic operations , “ the spokesman said 此外,航空交通管制中心及指揮塔臺亦會調配充足人手,確保航空交通運作暢順。

The control tower steers some 90 , 000 aircraft overflying hong kong each year , through our sophisticated and professional air traffic control ( atc ) services 此外,我們的空管人員每年也指揮九萬多架次航機飛越香港,這全賴有精確和專業的空管服務。

Uses : general offices , hospitals , computer rooms , control towers , laboratories , showrooms , schools , in - service training institutes and studios 適用范圍?一般辦公室、醫院、電腦室、控制臺、實驗室、展示間、學校、訓練機構及錄音室。

The taipei aerodrome control tower is located at the geographical center of taipeichiang kai - shek international airport , with a height of 240 . 3 feet msl 塔臺中正機場管制塔臺座落于中正國際機場的中心位置,海拔高度240

It is located on the roof - top of the air traffic control complex at the airport , adjacent to the air traffic control tower 它是位于機場內航空交通管制大樓的天臺上,毗鄰航空交通管制塔。

At the air traffic control tower , controllers provide 24 - hour aerodrome control services to aircraft operating at the airport 指揮塔的管制員負責為機場內的飛機提供24小時交通管制服務。

You can now anchor structures that only require power while the control tower is in reinforced mode 現在,只要有足夠的能量柵格,你甚至可以在控制塔處于增強模式下錨定建筑。

Base control tower this is the control tower . another wave of bombers approaching . close fast and destroy them 這里是管制塔。敵另一波轟炸機接近中。迅速靠近,并擊落它們。

Infantrymen ran to secure all access to roads to the airport and to take over new terminal and the control tower 步兵跑去把守所有機場出入道路,占領新航站樓以及控制塔臺。

One worker has been injured by a fire at miami international airport ' s ground traffic control tower 邁阿密國際機場地面交通指揮塔發生了一起火災,造成一名工人受傷。

To control a structure , you must be within 15km of the control tower and have the starbase defense operator role 你必須擁有母星防御操作權并接近到控制塔15公里內。